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Daniels' Lab

Books & book chapters

  1. Rodriguez D, deVoil P, Power B (2016) Modelling dryland agricultural systems. In: Innovations in Dryland Agriculture. Eds. Farooq M and Siddique K. Springer (in press)

  2. Rodriguez D, Roxburgh C, Farnsworth C, Ferrante A, Eyre J, Irvine-Brown S, McLean J, Bielich M (2016) Climate risk management in maize cropping systems. In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize. Volume 2. Cultivation techniques, pest and disease control. Eds. D Watson. Burleigh Doods, Science Publishing (in press).

  3. Temesgen A, Rodriguez D, Fukai S (2016) Intercropping in sustainable maize cultivation. In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize. Volume 2. Cultivation techniques, pest and disease control. Eds. D Watson. Burleigh Doods, Science Publishing (in press).

  4. Dimes J, Rodriguez D, Potgieter A (2014). Raising productivity of maize based cropping systems in Eastern and Southern Africa – A step-wise intensification. In: 'Crop physiology: applications for genetic improvement and agronomy'. Second Edition. Eds VO Sadras and DF Calderini, pp. 489-510. Academic Press: San Diego

  5. Rodriguez D, Robson A, Belford R (2009) Dynamic and functional monitoring technologies for applications in crop management In 'Crop physiology: applications for genetic improvement and agronomy'. Eds VO Sadras and DF Calderini, pp. 489-510. Academic Press: San Diego

  6. Rodríguez D, Goudriaan J and Keltjens GW (1998) Understanding leaf expansion in wheat and sunflower grown under low phosphorus conditions. In: , J.P. Lynch, J. Dikman, eds., American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville, Maryland. pp. 354-356.

  7. Rodríguez D (1998) Understanding growth limitation in wheat and sunflower under low phosphorus conditions. ISBN 90-5485-903-2. pp 144.

  8. Mendoza R, Taboada MA, Rodríguez D, Caso O, and Portal R (1995) Use of oily waste organics as amendments to soils. In: Applied bio-remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons. R Hinchee, JA Kitter and HJM Reisinger (Eds.) Battelle Press, Ohio USA pp.319-328.


Journal articles


  1. Clarke SJ, McLean J, George-Jaeggli B, de Voil, P, Eyre J, Rodriguez D (2019) Understanding the diversity in yield potential and stability among commercial sorghum hybrids to inform crop designs. Field Crops Research 230 84–97

  2. Rodriguez D, deVoil P, Hudson D, Brown JN, Hayman P, Marrou H, Meinke H (2018) Predicting optimum crop designs using crop models and seasonal climate forecasts. Scientific Reports 8:2231 doi:10.1038/s41598-018-20628-2

  3. Li Jing, Rodriguez D, Wang Hao-Xiang, and Wu L (2018) Designing price-contingent vegetable rotation schedules using agent-based simulation. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17 2: 461-472. doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(17)61741-6

  4. de Araujo LC, Santos, PM, Rodriguez D and Macedo Pezzopane JR (2018) Key factors that influence for seasonal production of Guinea grass.  Scientia Agricola, 75 3: 191-196. doi:10.1590/1678-992X-2016-0413

  5. Rodriguez D, DeVoil P, Rufino M, Odendo M, vanWijk M. To mulch or to munch? Big modelling of big data (2017) Agricultural Systems 153, 32–42  

  6. Nyagumbo, Isaiah, Mkuhlani, Siyabusa, Mupangwa, Walter and Rodriguez, Daniel (2017) Planting date and yield benefits from conservation agriculture practices across Southern Africa. Agricultural Systems, 150 21-33. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2016.09.016

  7. Frelat R, Lopez-Ridaura S, Giller KE, Herrero M, Douxchamps S, Djurfeldt AA, Erenstein O, Henderson B, Kassie M, PaulBK, Rigolot C, Ritzema RS, Rodriguez D, van Asten P, van Wijk MT. (2016) Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 2: 458-463. doi:10.1073/pnas.1518384112

  8. Sadras, V. O., Hayman, P. T., Rodriguez, D., Monjardino, M., Bielich, M., Unkovich, M., Mudge, B. and Wang, E. (2016) Interactions between the water and nitrogen economies of crops: physiological, agronomic, economic, breeding and modelling perspectives. Crop and Pasture Science, 67 10: 1019-1053. doi:10.1071/CP16027

  9. Rigolot C, de Voil P, Douxchamps S, Prestwidge D, Van Wijk M, Thornton P, Rodriguez D, Henderson B, Medina D, Herrero M (2016) Interactions between intervention packages, climatic risk, climate change and food security in mixed crop-livestock systems in Burkina Faso. Agricultural Systems, doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2015.12.017

  10. Roxbourgh C and Rodriguez D (2016). Ex-ante analysis of opportunities for the sustainable intensification of maize production in Mozambique. Agricultural Systems, 142 9-22. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2015.10.010.

  11. Everingham JA, Collins N, Cavaye J, Rifkin W, Vink Sue, Baumgart T, Rodriguez D (2016) Energy from the foodbowl: associated land-use conflicts, risks and wicked problems. Landscape and Urban Planning, 154 68-80. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.01.011

  12. Chang X, Li J, Rodriguez D, Su Q (2015) Agent-based simulation of pricing strategy for agri-products considering customer preference. International Journal of Production Research, 54 13: 1-19. doi:10.1080/00207543.2015.1120901

  13. Tessema Y, Asafu-Adjaye J, Rodriguez D, Mallawaarachchi T, Shiferaw B (2015) A bio-economic analysis of the benefits of conservation agriculture: the case of smallholder farmers in Adami Tulu district, Ethiopia. Ecological Economics, 120 164-174. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.10.020

  14. Li L, Rodriguez D, Zhang D, Ma K (2015) Crop rotation model for contract farming with constraints on similar profits. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 119 12-18. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2015.10.002

  15. Tefera A, Fukai S, Rodriguez D. (2015). Productivity, resource capture, use efficiency and profits of maize - navy bean intercropping systems. Field Crops Research, 180 155-166. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2015.06.003

  16. Holzworth D, Huth N, deVoil PG, Zurcher EJ, Herrmann NI, McLean G, Chenu K, van Oosterom EJ, Snow V, Murphy C, Moore AD, Brown H, Whish JPH, Verrall S, Fainges J, Bell LW, Peake AS, Poulton PJ, Hochman Z, Thorburn PJ, Gaydon DS, Dalgliesh NP, Rodriguez D, Cox H, Chapman S, Doherty A, Teixeira E, Sharp J, Cichota R, Vogeler I, Li FY, Wang E, Hammer GL, Robertson MJ, Dimes JP, Whitbread AM, Hunt J, van Rees H, McClelland T, Carberry PS, Hargreaves JNG, MacLeod N, McDonald C, Harsdorf J, Wedgwood S, Keating BA (2014) APSIM - Evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation. Environmental Modelling and Software, 62 327-350. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.07.009

  17. Dogliotti S, Rodriguez D, Lopez-Ridaura S, Tittonell P, Rossing WAH (2014) Designing sustainable agricultural production systems for a changing world: Methods and applications. Agricultural Systems 126 (2014) 1–2

  18. Rodriguez D, Cox H, deVoil P, Power B, (2014). A whole farm modelling approach to understand impacts and increase preparedness to climate change in Australia. Agricultural Systems 126 (2014) 50–61

  19. Potgieter, A. B., Power, B., Mclean, J., Davis, P. and Rodriguez, D. (2014) Spatial estimation of wheat yields from Landsat's visible, near infrared and thermal reflectance bands. International Journal of Remote Sensing Application, 4 3: 134-143. doi:10.14355/ijrsa.2014.0403.03

  20. Everingham JA, Collins N, Rifkin W, Rodriguez D, Baumgartl T, Cavaye J, Vink S (2014) How farmers, graziers, miners, and gas-industry personnel see their potential for coexistence in rural Queensland. SPE Economics and Management, 6 3: 122-130. doi:10.2118/167016-PA

  21. Chauhan Y, Fekybelu S, Rodriguez D (2013) Genotype-by-environment characterization of the maize growing environments in north-eastern Australia. Field Crops Research, 144 245-255. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2013.01.018

  22. Potgieter A, Meinke H, Doherty A, Sadras VO, Hammer G, Crimp S, Rodriguez D (2013). Spatial impact of projected changes in rainfall and temperature on wheat yields in Australia. Climatic Change, 117, 163-179.

  23. Araujo L, Santos P, Rodriguez D, Pezzopane JR, Oliveira P, Cruz P (2012) Simulating Guineagrass production in the Southeast of Brazil: empirical and mechanistic approaches. Agron. J. 10.2134/agronj2012.0245

  24. Gaydon D, Meinke H, Rodriguez D, McGrath DJ (2012) In Australia's Riverina region optimal whole farm irrigation strategies vary with seasonal water allocation level. Ag. Water Manag. 103, 22-42

  25. Gaydon D, Meinke H, Rodriguez D (2012). The best farm-level irrigation strategy changes seasonally with fluctuating water availability. Agricultural Water Management 103, 33-42.

  26. Rodriguez D, deVoil P, Power B, Crimp S, Meinke H (2011). The intrinsic plasticity of farm businesses and their resilience to change. Field Crops Research 124, 157-170

  27. Rodriguez D, Sadras V (2011) Opportunities from more integrative approaches in farming systems design. Field Crops Research 124, 137-141

  28. Power B, Rodriguez D, deVoil P, Harris G, Payero J (2011) A multi-field bio-economic model of irrigated grain-cotton farming systems. Field Crops Research 124, 171-179

  29. Sadras VO, Rodriguez D (2010) Modelling the nitrogen-driven trade-off between nitrogen utilisation efficiency and water use efficiency of wheat in eastern Australia. Field Crops Research 118, 297–305.

  30. Doherty A, Sadras VO, Rodriguez D, Potgieter (2010) Quantification of wheat water-use efficiency at the shire-level in Australia. Crop & Pasture Science 61, 1-11.

  31. Meinke H, Howden MS, Struik PC, Nelson R, Rodriguez D, Chapman SC(2009) Adaptation Science for Agriculture and Natural Resource Management - Urgency and Theoretical Basis. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 1:69-76.

  32. Anwar MR, Rodriguez D, Liu DL, Power S (2008) Quality of forecasts of spring rainfall and simulated wheat yields in South Eastern Australia Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59, 112-126.

  33. Tilling A, O’Leary G, Ferwerda G, Jones S, Fitzgerald G, Rodriguez D, Belford R (2007) Remote Sensing of Nitrogen and Water Stress in Wheat. Field Crops Research 104, 77-85.

  34. Sadras VO, Rodriguez D (2007) Water use efficiency of wheat in eastern Australia II. Water-limited: the influence of rainfall patterns Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58, 657-669.

  35. Rodriguez D, Sadras VO (2007) The limit to wheat water use efficiency in eastern Australia I. Gradients in the radiation environment and atmospheric demand. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58, 287-302.

  36. Fitzgerald GJ, Rodriguez D, Christensen LK, Belford R, Sadras VO, Clarke T (2006) Spectral and thermal sensing for nitrogen and water status in contrasting wheat growing environments. Precision Agriculture DOI 10.1007/s11119-006-9011-z

  37. Rodriguez D, Fitzgerald GJ, Belford R, Christensen L (2006) Detection of nitrogen deficiency in wheat from spectral reflectance indices and basic crop eco-physiological concepts. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 57, 781–789

  38. Rodriguez D, Nuttall J, Sadras V and van Rees H (2006) Impact of subsoil constraints on wheat yield and profit on fine-textured soils of the southern Victorian Mallee Australian Journal of Agricultural Research57, 355–365.

  39. Rodriguez D, Sadras VO, Christensen LK, Belford R (2005) Spatial assessment of the physiological status of wheat crops as affected by water and nitrogen supply using infrared thermal imagery Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, 983-993.

  40. Sadras V, Baldock J, Roget D, and Rodriguez D (2003) Yield and water budget of wheat crops in coarse-textured soils with chemical constraints. Field Crops Research 84, 241-260.

  41. Ewert F, Rodriguez D, Jamieson PD, Semenov MA, Mitchell RAC, Goudriaan J, Porter JR, Kimball BA, Pinter Jr. PJ, Manderscheid R, Weigel HJ, Fangmeier A, Fereres E, and Villalobos F (2002) Effects of elevated CO2 and drought on wheat: testing crop simulation models for different experimental and climatic conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 93, 249-266

  42. Rodríguez D, Ewert F, Goudriaan J, Manderscheid R, Burkart S, and Weigel D H.J. (2001) Modelling the response of wheat canopy assimilation to CO2 using models of different level of empiricism. New Phytologist 150, 337-346

  43. Rodríguez D, Van Oijen M and Schapendonk HAMC (1999) LINGRA_CO2 A sink/source model to simulate the impact of climate change and management on grassland productivity. New Phytologist 144, 359-368.

  44. Rodríguez D, Andrade FH and Goudriaan J (1999) Effects of phosphorus nutrition on tiller emergence in wheat. Plant and Soil 209, 283-295.

  45. Rodríguez D, Andrade FH and Goudriaan J (2000) Does assimilate supply limits leaf expansion in wheat grown under low phosphorus conditions?. Field Crop Research 67, 227-238.

  46. Rodríguez D, Keltjens W and Goudriaan J (1998) Plant leaf area expansion and assimilate production in wheat (Triticum aestivum L) growing under low phosphorus. Plant and Soil 200, 227-241.

  47. Rodríguez D, Zubillaga MM, Ploschuk EL, Keltjens WG, Goudriaan J and Lavado RS (1998) Leaf area expansion and assimilate production in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) growing under low phosphorus conditions. Plant and Soil 202, 133-147.

  48. Rodríguez D, Pomar MC and Goudriaan J (1998) Leaf primordia initiation, leaf emergence and tillering in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under low phosphorus conditions. Plant and Soil 202, 149-157.

  49. Rodríguez D, Goudriaan J, Oyarzabal M and Pomar MC (1996) Phosphorus nutrition and water stress tolerance in wheat plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 19, 29-39.

  50. Rodríguez D and Mendoza RE (1993) Re-adsorption of phosphate by soil during acid and alkaline extractions. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 24, 133-148.

  51. Rodríguez D, Santa Maria GE and Pomar MC (1994) Phosphorus deficiency affects the early development of wheat plants. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Sciences 173, 69-72.

  52. Mendoza RE, Marbán L and Rodríguez D (1995) Desorbed phosphorus retained by iron oxide paper strips (Pi) II. Availability of soil phosphorus evaluated by the Pi, Olsen y Bray I methods for wheat growth. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, La Plata 71, 139-141.

  53. Rodríguez D and Goudriaan J (1995) Effects of phosphorus and drought stresses on dry matter and phosphorus allocation in wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition 18, 2501-2517.





  1. Ferrante, Ariel, Eyre, Joseph, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, McLean, James, Chenu, Karine, deVoil, Peter, McLean, Greg and Rodriguez, Daniel (2015). High yielding wheat in the northern region: impact of nitrogen fertilisation on grain yield and quality in modern cultivars. In: Building Productive, Diverse and Sustainable Landscapes: Proceedings of the Australian Society of Agronomy Inc.’s 17th Australian Agronomy Conference. Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, (). 21-24 September 2015.

  2. George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Brider, Jason, Broad, Ian, Chenu, Karine, Eyre, Joseph, Ferrante, Ariel, McLean, Greg, McLean, James, Skerman, Andrew and Rodriguez, Daniel (2015). Adapting rain-fed sorghum agronomy to breeding progress - cropping system model parameterisation. In: Building Productive, Diverse and Sustainable Landscapes: Proceedings of the Australian Society of Agronomy Inc.’s 17th Australian Agronomy Conference. Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, (). 21-24 September 2015.

  3. Rodriguez D, deVoil P, Mortlock M, Homann-Kee Tui S, Bekele A, Odendos M, Kassie M, Herrero M, VanWijk M, (2015)Pathways for the Intensification of Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa. Second Global Food Security Conference, Ithaca, NY USA

  4. D Rodriguez, P deVoil, M Herrero, M. Odendos, B Power, M Rufino, MT van Wijk (2015) To mulch or to munch? Modelling the benefits and trade offs in the use of crop residues in Kenya. 5th International Symposium on Farming Systems Design, Montpellier, France

  5. Nhantumbo, N., Dias, J., Mortlock, M., Nyagumbo, I., Dimes, J. and Rodriguez, D. (2014). Best-fit residue allocation: A gate for legume intensification in nitrogen constrained cropping systems of Central Mozambique. In: A. C. T. Network, Conservation Agriculture: Building entrepreneurship and resilient farming systems - Book of Condensed Papers Of the First Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 1st African Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Lusaka, Zambia, (33-35). 18 - 21 March 2014.

  6. Potgieter, A. B., Rodriguez, D., Power, B., Mclean, J. and Davis, P. (2014). Seeing is believing I: the use of thermal sensing from satellite imagery to predict crop yield. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Digital Earth (8th ISDE) 2013. ISDE 2013: The 8th International Symposium On Digital Earth, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, (012118.1-012118.8). 26-28 August 2013. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/18/1/012118

  7. Everingham, J., Collins, N., Rifkin, W., Rodriguez, D., Baumgarlt, T., Cavaye, J. and Vink, S. (2013). How farmers, graziers, miners, and gas industry personnel see their potential for co-existence in rural Queensland. In: 2013 Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific: Proceedings. SPE 13URCE: Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific 2013, South Bank, QLD, Australia, (1-10). 11-13 November, 2013. doi:10.2118/167016-MS

  8. Potgieter, Andries, Rodriguez, Daniel, Davis, Peter and Dimes, John (2013). From information to actionable knowledge: hotspots of food insecurity in Eastern Africa. In: René Gommes and François Kayitakire, The Challenges of Index-Based Insurance for Food Security in Developing Countries: Proceedings of a technical workshop organised by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI, Earth Institute, Columbia University). The Challenges of Index-Based Insurance for Food Security in Developing Countries: A Technical Workshop organised by JRC & IRI, Ispra Varese, Italy, (120-127). 2-3 May 2012. doi:10.2788/713

  9. Potgieter, Andries, Hammer, Graeme, Rodriguez, David, Doherty, Alastair, Davis, Peter, Power, Brendan and Book, Peter (2013). Forecasting the major crops for Australia and crop yield insurance: an integrated climate, biophysical and remote sensing approach. In: René Gommes and François Kayitakire, The Challenges of Index-Based Insurance for Food Security in Developing Countries: Proceedings of a technical workshop organised by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI, Earth Institute, Columbia University). The Challenges of Index-Based Insurance for Food Security in Developing Countries: A Technical Workshop organised by JRC & IRI, Ispra Varese, Italy, (101-110). 2-3 May, 2012. doi:10.2788/713

  10. Araujo, L. C., Santos, P. M., Rodriguez, D., Pezzopane, J. R. M., Cruz, P. G. and Oliveira, P. P. A. (2011). Using agro-climatic models to estimate the guineagrass potential production in Brazilian tropical Savanna. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-6). 26-29 September 2011.

  11. Rodriguez, D., deVoil, P., Power, B. and Cox, H. (2011). Adapting to change: More realistic quantification of impacts and better-informed adaptation alternatives. In: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Conservation Agriculture. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-5). 26-29 September 2011.

  12. Power, B., Rodriguez, D., Perkin, J. and Hawksworth, C. (2011). The expected value of seasonal stream-flow forecasts to a grain-cotton irrigator in the Condamine-Balonne catchment. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-4). 26-29 September 2011.

  13. Mulugetta, M., Dimes, J, Dixon, J., Potgieter, A., Prasanna, B., Rodriguez, D., Shiferaw, B. and Wall, P. (2011). The sustainable intensification of maize-legume farming systems in eastern and southern Africa (SIMLESA) program. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-5). 26-29 September 2011.

  14. Eyre, J. X., Routley, R., Rodriguez, D. and Dimes, J. (2011). Intercropping maize and mungbean to intensify summer cropping systems in Queensland, Australia. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-3). 26-29 September 2011.

  15. Cox, H., Rodriguez, D., deVoil, P. and Power, B. (2011). Modelling adaptation options for a Western Queensland mixed grain and graze farm – evaluating enterprise options under climate change. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-4). 26-29 September 2011.

  16. Brown, P., Bridle, K., Toms-Morgan, R. and Rodriguez, D. (2011). Capacity for broadacre mixed farmers to adapt to climate change in Queensland. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-4). 26-27 September 2011.

  17. Achien, J., Kanampiu, F., Chauhan, Y. and Rodriguez, D. (2011). Sustainable intensification of maize-bean production among smallholder farmers in western Kenya. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-4). 26-29 September 2011.

  18. Mesfin, T., Moeller, C., Rodriguez, D. and Temesgen, M. (2011). Conservation Agriculture in dryland agro-ecosystems of Ethiopia. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-4). 26-29 Septmber 2011.

  19. Bashir, M., Mmbaga, T., Kanampiou, F. and Rodriguez, D. (2011). Initial results on the response of maize and pigeonpeas to conservation agriculture at Karatu-Tanzania. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Austalia, (1-4). 26-29 September 2011.

  20. Micheni, A. N., Kanampiou, F. and Rodriguez, D. (2011). Characterization of soil nutrient levels in smallholder farms in Eastern Kenya. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-3). 26-29 September 2011.

  21. Dimes, J., Achien, J., Mesfin, T., Abeya, T., Makoko, B., Nhantumbo, N. and Rodriguez, D. (2011). Evaluation of APSIM to simulate maize-bean cropping systems in eastern and southern Africa: an alternative approach. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-4). 26-29 September 2011.

  22. Fekybelu, S., Zeppa, A., Chauhan, Y. and Rodriguez, D. (2011). Breeding better maize germplasm for drier and hotter production environments. In: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2011 Papers. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and Farming Systems Design, Brisbane, Australia, (1-4). 26-29 September 2011.

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