Early sown sorghum: Download our guide for farmers

Watch our webinar on Winter Sown Sorghum
This Webinar is associated to GRDC’s funded project “Optimising Sorghum Agronomy” (UOQ 1808-001RTX), a collaboration between QAAFI at The...

Do not miss our Webinar on De-Risking Broad Acre Cropping in Queensland
Download our Newsletter HERE and watch our Webinar to learn about oil seeds, pulses and summer cereal trials up in North Queensland HERE

Northern Australia: the new frontier for dryland broadacre cropping
A new project co-funded by the CRC NA and the GRDC is helping Northern Australia farmers diversify primarily beef activities into rainfed...

Winter sown sorghum is the new cool
Water stress and extreme heat at flowering are common abiotic stresses limiting sorghum yield across the Northern Grains Region. WINTER...

Tactical agronomy research update at Breeza
Daniel Rodriguez, and our collaborator Loretta Serafin of NSW DPI, were among the presenters at the GRDC Research Update at Breeza, New...

Warra harvest field walk
Today the UQ-QAAFI Farming Systems Research group hosted a field walk at our sorghum trial at Warra, in the western Darling Downs. The...

SIMLESA project releases Audio-Visual story!
What's the value of agricultural research if no one knows about it? As the old proverb goes, what's the sound of a tree falling in an...

Great farmer participation at Warra field walk today
There was great farmer participation at QAAFI’s Farming Systems Research group Field walk at Warra today. The GRDC project “Tactical...

Early sowing field walk
We welcome you to a field walk tomorrow to examine crop establishment at our early sowing sorghum trial. The trial is located on...