Managing risks and trade-offs in agriculture
Why you should come to this symposium? The imperative to intensify global food and fibre production hangs in the delicate balance between...
Yield potential and stability of Australian sorghum hybrids
Australian sorghum hybrids are commonly described by seed companies based on their maturity type, tillering habit, seed colour, lodging...
What the best sorghum farmers do differently
In 2014, with support from CSIRO and GRDC as part of our project Higher yielding wheat and sorghum for the Northern Region (UQ00074), we...
Help us inform priorities for research in wheat, sorghum and maize
Results from GRDC funded research indicate that depending on farmers’ capacity of investment and risk attitude, there are two basic...
Slides from GRDC Upates 2017
Tactical maize agronomy: managing climate risk in rainfed maize with multi ear hybrids Australian hybrids are high yielding in drought...
Farmers dominated 2017 QAAFI's Summer Grains Field Walk
Farmers dominated the list of participants at 2017 QAAFI's Summer Grains Field Walk at Macalister, indicating QAAFI's relevance, impact...
To mulch or to munch: big modelling of big data
African farmers are poorly resourced, highly diverse and aground by poverty traps making them rather impervious to change. As a...
Welcome to 21st century R4D: SMS extension in Africa
Research for development (R4D) is an essential task for agricultural scientists. Our skills and knowledge have the potential to end...
QAAFI's Summer Grains Field Walk, 31st January 2017, MacAlister, Qld
QAAFI's Summer Grains Field Walk is on 31st January 2017 at MacAlister, Queensland. QAAFI's agricultural scientists will present recent...
Tactical agronomy for sorghum and maize in the Northern Region
In the highly variable and risky climate of Australia’s Northern Grains Region, every year farmers face the task of matching hybrids and...